Sunday, February 14, 2010

Party Girl has been with us a couple of days now and has settled down a bit, still a little unsure of herself but has no problems coming to anyone for some love...For the First time she actually licked someone, my daughter came over and she went right to her and gave her a big lick on the face lol

She is learning how to share and is going in her crate alot better but still with some coaxing, seems to be alot happier out of it!! She has learned what treats are and thinks anytime I get up and go into the Kitchen its Treat Time lol We are still having some going up the stairs problems but it is 88% better than when she first came.

She is a beautiful girl , who will win anybodys heart with one look of those eyes!! She does well on the lead without any problems and we still have not had any problems with any Potty issues, she will get up and go to the door!! Please enjoy the pictures and I will post more on this wonderfull girl next week!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

First Days at my new Home...

Party arrived at our house on Wed, she rode to shelbyville with no problems at all, just slept most of the way, getting up when we stopped to check everything out!!

Trudy just seemed to ignore her until she took each stuffie one by one to her bed, and then Trudy went to get one back and Party growled so we are working on sharing and we don't fuss at the other lol

Every step Trudy takes Party is right behind her, even into the Kitchen where the floor didnt even phase her lol

She does love to collect, which will be shoes, wash rags, my cover off the couch and anything else , so we are working on what is hers and what is mine. She loves to be rubbed under her chin and scratched around the neck, we have had no potty accidents so far and she can go up the steps fine when SHE wonts to, she doesnt like the crate at all and it takes a little patience and coaxing and she finally goes in gradually. She sleeps all thru the nite and Im helping her back down the steps in the Morning slowly but that she doesnt mind.
She still seems pretty scared and not sure what she should do, but doesnt have a problem coming to you to be loved on. Will post more this weekend with some Pics , she is a beautifull girl who is not sure of this new world she has entered into....